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New low profile encapsulated transformers from CROVISA

Low-profile encapsulated transformers 1VA, 40VA and 60VA
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GRUPO CROVISA expands its range with the NEW extra-flat transformers encapsulated for PCB, adding three new powers and sizes, maintaining the possibility of connecting the input to 115V or 230V and with two symmetrical outputs with voltages between 6V and 24V.

The new power range covers 1VA, 40VA and 60VA transformers.

These transformers have the advantage of their reduced height compared to the normal encapsulated transformers of equal power.

Transformadores encapsulados extraplanos de 1VA

Dimensions in mm


Transformadores encapsulados extraplanos de 40VA y 60VA

Dimensions in mm


H= 38,7mm


H= 47,9mm


You can consult more technical information on our RENEWED website,, which we hope you find useful and more clear to use.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional questions regarding these or any transformer you need. We will advise you on the best solution gladly.