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New LED tubes and accessories for panels.

  • Novelty
LYOPRO - Iluminación LED
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We already have available the new T8 led tubes in crystal in powers of 10W 950 lumens (600mm), 14W 1330-1370 lumens (900mm), 18W 1720 lumens (1200mm) and 24W 2250 lumens (1500mm).

This month comes loaded with new Lyopro products.
Tubo led T-8 de cristal

Also arrives the new LED tube specially created for butchers, also available in all sizes (600, 900, 1200 and 1500mm) with power values and lumens of 9W 890 lumens, 12W 1190 lumens, 18W 1780 lumens and 22W 2180 lumens.

Tubo led T-8 para uso en carnicerías

As for the new accessories, the open strip has been renewed for 1 or 2 LED tubes made of steel and with a degree of protection of IP20

Regleta abierta para tubos de led T-8

And also the new frames for recessed led panels available in dimensions of 60x60cm, 120x30cm and 120x60cm.

Marco para empotrar panel led

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Frame for recessed led panel

You can check the different models in the catalog that can be downloaded in this link.

If you need more information or contact us about the rest of the range of led bulbs and led lamps, please contact us. We will advise you on our best option.